The Two Most Important Days of Your Life

Mark Twain was an extraordinary man—a voice of wit, wisdom, and understanding in his time. His words carried a kind of timeless resonance, speaking not just to his own generation but to anyone willing to listen. He had a way of capturing profound truths with a touch of humor, like when he quipped, “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.”

But perhaps his most enduring wisdom is this: “The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

In a world where everyone seems to be searching—searching for identity, for purpose, for meaning—this statement cuts through the noise. It reminds us that our existence is no accident, that we are born into a world that holds a divine purpose for each of us.

Finding that purpose is not just about doing; it’s about being. It’s about asking the right questions, not pretending to know all the answers. Twain’s wisdom reminds us that life is not about certainty but wonder. As creative beings reflecting a creative Creator, we are called to lean into that wonder and discover what makes us come alive.

For the poets, the painters, the singers, the dreamers—your unique voice is irreplaceable. There is something you were created to do that no one else can do. Sometimes, that calling lies in the very place you feel most insecure. But within that tension lies your greatest gift.

Poetry, after all, is born out of wonder, not knowing. So don’t be afraid of the unknown. Embrace it. Ask God not for all the answers, but for the wisdom to ask the right questions. The answers that come will define who you are and what you’re here to do in your time.

And let me leave you with this: God created you so unique that no one else can do what you were created to do. You carry something deeply powerful, a purpose that’s yours alone. You were made for this time, this moment. So ask the Holy Spirit to stir in you a sense of calling—something that makes you come alive and gives you the courage to step into the dreams He’s placed in your heart.


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Dewdrops & Thunderstorms