About Ray Hughes

Ray Hughes lives in The Shoals Area of Alabama a stroll and a half from the Tennessee River, better known as the Singing River, with all its history and lore. Having traveled the world for over 50 years as an author, storyteller, songwriter, and poet, he currently continues his work from the porch of their historic downtown home. He is passionate about homemade cornbread, old guitars, his beautiful, Denise and five dazzling grandchildren… but not necessarily in that order. If you want to gain knowledge, read a book. If you want to gain a knowing, take a slow walk in the rain – then write about it.

Join My NEW Online Community!

I’m excited to announce “Selah Creatives,” an initiative I’ve been wan†ing to launch for a long time. This is a space for artists, poets, and songwriters like you who long to keep the wonder alive, to see the beauty in God’s mysteries, and to let that wonder fuel your art.

Members of Selah Creatives will get access to:

  • Monthly Live Q&A Zoom Calls with Ray Hughes

  • Access to “The Everything Bundle,” access to ALL of Ray’s online courses and teachings ($800+ value)