Join My NEW Online Community!
I’m excited to announce “Selah Creatives,” an initiative I’ve been wanting to launch for a long time. This is a space for artists, poets, and songwriters like you who long to keep the wonder alive, to see the beauty in God’s mysteries, and to let that wonder fuel your art.
Members of Selah Creatives will get access to:
Monthly Live Q&A Zoom Calls with Ray Hughes
Access to “The Everything Bundle,” access to ALL of Ray’s online courses and teachings ($800+ value)
Join a community of like-minded creatives

The Creator created us to be creative.
But often, artists feel isolated and unsure of whether we have permission to express what God has put inside of us. Even worse, we end up comparing ourselves to one another and doubt the beauty of His unique expression in our lives.
God delights in using our creative expressions to reveal Himself in beautiful and glorious new ways.
This is why I have given over 50 years of my life to help others discover, develop and deploy their unique creative gifting. You don’t have to struggle alone.
Worship & Creativity Courses
Heritage of Worship
One of my favorite topics I’ve taught on the past 50 years is the rich and beautiful history of worship from the ancient times of Davidic Tabernacle worship all the way to today’s expressions of worship….
David: Singer of Secrets
In this extended series we are going to take a fresh look at an old friend, King David. This series highlights wisdom we can glean from the most overlooked seasons of David’s life.
Selah Creatives
Join Ray’s NEW online community and get access to monthly live Q&A Zoom calls and access to ALL of Ray’s online courses and teachings ($800+ value)!
“If we can change the way that the church understands music and worship, we will change the way the world encounters God.”

Kind Words from My Friends
“Ray Hughes carries the greatest revelation of anyone I know in this most important area of life — worship. It is time we discover the sound of heaven and release it effectively here on earth. The resulting transformation will be greater than anyone could ask for, or possibly imagine. I highly recommend to you both the man and his message.”
Bill Johnson
Bethel Church
If ever there was one who hears the resonating sound of God’s voice, it is Ray Hughes. The unique revelation God has given Ray gives a broader understanding of the “sound” of alignment between heaven and earth. All creation will yet reverberate with the sound of his voice. God is using Ray to bring a fresh awareness of this truth to the body of Christ in this hour…and we are listening with rapt attention!
Jane Hansen-Hoyt
Aglow International
Ray Hughes is one of the most anointed men of God that I have ever met. His teachings on worship and praise are one of the clearest trumpet sounds I have ever heard.
Ricky Skaggs
Singer / Musician